Social – Amid Life Mindset None but ourselves can free our minds Sun, 19 Nov 2023 04:23:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social – Amid Life Mindset 32 32 Theme 2020 (Revised for 2021): Uncertainty During the Covid Era Thu, 09 Jul 2020 09:44:05 +0000 Read more…]]>

So here we are towards the end of 2021 and the last time I posted here on my blog was February 2020. The title of the post was: “THEME 2020: ALL ABOUT THAT DISCIPLINE.” I had just completed the Whole 30 elimination diet and was feeling mighty! We were only beginning to understand the effects of Covid and nobody understood what was about to happen.

What did happen is familiar to us all, so I don’t feel I need to go over it. What I will do is jot down a few takeaways.

It’s October 2021 and Covid is still here. Where are we now?

Well, some people are taking it seriously and some are not. Some people are pro-vax and some couldn’t be more against. Do politics have much to do with it all? Absolutely, but I’m not going to get into all that. What both sides of the argument agree on most is that it’s extremely important to build up a strong immune system. It’s always been important, but nowadays everything is depending on it. Where we work, who we interact with, where we travel, where we shop.

Most of us have taken a hard look at what is important in life and what we can leave out. Stuck in our homes, we began to look around at our surroundings to see what we could use and how we could de-clutter. If you had any space in your yard for a garden, it’s highly likely you even planted some vegetables to prepare for the uncertainty of not being able to find what you need at the grocery store.

The cool thing about it all was how resourceful people became. Many people reverted to bartering like the old days and even setting up local delivery systems. Employers realized they didn’t actually need their staff to be physically on-site in order to get work done and instead were able do it all remotely. This is huge and changes everything. I mean, just think about all the overhead it saves businesses to not have to pay for the space and all the supplies needed for that space while people are sitting there under that roof. How about the petroleum that isn’t being used and pollution that is no longer a result of it?

By now I’m sure most of us have heard the term “The Great Resignation.” I give kudos to all the people who have taken time to re-think the path they were on for something better. All those people working two and sometimes three jobs to pay for essentials like food, rent, fuel, childcare, etc… This has been a long time coming because the cost of living has far surpassed what our government considers a “living wage.” It’s been a breath of fresh air to see how creative people have gotten with regards to branding their own skills and marketing them. This gives humans a sense of purpose and direction. Yes, we all need money and will likely have to work at something we don’t like, but it doesn’t have to be all the time and in most cases we can start to edge it out if we work our passion hard enough. I’ve seen it and I want to be there too.

All this extra time people have had to go inward has been beneficial to many. Although many have used it to waste time. Health-wise, we’ve all seen the emergence of “expert” YouTube videos on many controversial topics and gone down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. It’s been extremely frustrating to us all on both sides of these issues. I have faith in us though. I believe we actually know deep down when something is true and not bullshit – or should I say, “uneducated opinion.” We know how we should be eating, drinking (or not drinking), exercising, thinking and interacting. WE JUST NEED TO DO IT. And do it more often than not. The world can be such an ugly place these days and we need to stop making it worse. I believe the first step in doing that is to feel good in our bodies and minds. Once we’re in that mode, it makes it easier to tune out the rest because we don’t want anything fucking up our flow.

Mindset reset

The holidays are upon us now, so it may not be the best time to embark on big changes, but small ones can still make a difference in the way we think.

  • Less sitting, more walking.
  • Less junk-food, more nutrient-dense calories.
  • Less alcohol, more water.
  • Less media input, more meditation.
  • Less taking, more giving.
  • Less hate, more love.

These are all things that can be integrated slowly over the next few months while thinking about how we want to start 2022. I’m going to be doing Whole 30 beginning January 1, so let me know if you’d like to join me. Maybe another challenge as well? I haven’t decided what yet. Challenges are good and January 1 is a great time to start them. I don’t care what anyone says to the contrary.

In the meantime, cheers to good health!

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To Be Seen: A Basic Human Need Mon, 25 Feb 2019 04:31:05 +0000 Read more…]]>

It’s the longing inside a human being for emotionally supportive companionship. A basic human need in everyone’s soul. I feel I’ve spent a large portion of my life with this longing unfulfilled, which is why I’ve been writing since I was a teenager. I’ve got tell someone this shit and the only thing I felt comfortable with was a blank sheet of paper. I’ve always done it with the thought maybe someday someone will read it. Now it’s a recently digitized record of life for future generations. I would’ve loved for previous generations of my family to be able to do that for me. But it all goes much deeper than that.

Here’s the problem: If I want to be seen, doesn’t it make sense that I need to take time to see? This is not merely putting my eyes on something external. It’s about tapping into a more spiritual realm and observing another human beyond all of our conditioned thought – both mine and his/hers/theirs – without judgement. It’s about being fully present throughout the meeting, because it’s the only way to genuinely observe with your spirit.

How can I observe others on a spiritual level if I’m so ridiculously consumed with my physical self? I can’t even remember a person’s name two seconds after I’m introduced. I know I’m not the only one who does that, but it’s just plain rude. Does this mean I’m self-centered? Uh yeah, it does. As much as I want to share my words, art, photography and spirit with the world, I first need to acknowledge the beauty of others as well, with no thought of envy or competition, only a deep appreciation for their passion.

Watch the passion of this conductor at one with the music. THIS is what “fully present” looks like. It actually brings tears to my eyes.

Debussy’s: “Prélude à “L’après-midi d’un faune”

Passion is What Makes a Person Most Beautiful…

…and everyone wants to feel beautiful once in a while. This is why it’s so easy to be mesmerized by a musician. To watch a person fully immersed in their gift to the world, be it conducting, singing, playing or appreciating music, visual arts, dance, etc… is one of the sexiest and most intense experiences you can be a part of.

It’s in the act of creating, we are most present. So, doesn’t it make sense we could be beautiful like a musician, fully present with our own passions, instead of feeling ugly inside and out? I think once we’re in it we don’t ever think about that kind of petty bullshit anyway. I mean really in it. I’m not talking about someone who is at the point of doing something unconsciously-competent because they’ve done it so many times it’s become more of a chore. There are some artists who may have the ability to live in a piece of music over and over again. I know I can. But I’ve also heard musicians make comments like “If I have to play that song one more time…” and that’s why we must continue to create.

I now realize passion is one of the greatest things about being human and I don’t understand why I’ve kept myself from it for so long. Always waiting for the perfect conditions to arise in order to initiate a drawing or a blog post or anything else I’d like to put 100% into. It’s been such a waste of precious time!

"This is your life" quote

So now what?

Take time to focus on others and make their potential my passion. It’s something I started to do a few years ago with my Living2Inspire blog, but I got sidetracked with life (and myself). In that blog I featured some very talented artist friends and their passions for painting, photography and music, because I genuinely enjoy spotlighting passionate humans. I believe any person who dedicates a tremendous amount of time to their craft deserves to be seen and I plan to do it for myself now as well. It’s clear to me this is the most important way to change my world for the better. My blog, will be a documentation of the steps I take to bring passion back into my own life and spotlight the talents in others who’ll let me.

Thank you for taking the time to be here. Now I’d like an opportunity to see YOU, so please leave a comment.

One Love ❤

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